
The flow module is responsible for the handling of all tasks regarding navigation and routing and as such is part of the LaxarJS core. It is your communication partner on the other end of the event bus for navigateRequest, willNavigate and didNavigate events. For application developers it additionally provides the axFlowService, which can be used for some flow specific tasks.


Injectable Services

Injectable Services


A service providing some flow specific tasks that may be useful from within widgets.

axFlowService#constructPath( targetOrPlace, optionalParameters )

Constructs a path, that is compatible to the expected arguments of $location.path() from AngularJS. If a target is given as first argument, this is resolved using the currently active place.

Property Type Description
targetOrPlace String the target or place id to construct the url for
optionalParameters Object optional map of place parameters. Missing parameters are taken from the parameters that were passed to the currently active place
Type Description
string the generated path

axFlowService#constructAnchor( targetOrPlace, optionalParameters )

Constructs a path and prepends a # to make it directly usable as relative link within an application. If a target is given as first argument, this is resolved using the currently active place.

Property Type Description
targetOrPlace String the target or place id to construct the url for
optionalParameters Object optional map of place parameters. Missing parameters are taken from the parameters that were passed to the currently active place
Type Description
string the generated anchor

axFlowService#constructAbsoluteUrl( targetOrPlace, optionalParameters )

Constructs an absolute url to the given target or place using the given parameters application. If a target is given as first argument, this is resolved using the currently active place.

Property Type Description
targetOrPlace String the target or place id to construct the url for
optionalParameters Object optional map of place parameters. Missing parameters are taken from the parameters that were passed to the currently active place
Type Description
string the generated url


Returns a copy of the currently active place.

Type Description
Object the currently active place