A module for the axWidgetArea
AngularJS Directives
AngularJS Directives
The axWidgetArea directive is used to mark DOM elements as possible containers for widgets. They're
most commonly used in layouts using static names. These areas can then be referenced from within page
definitions in order to add widgets to them. Additionally it is possible that widgets expose widget
areas themselves. In that case the name given within the widget template is prefixed with the id of the
widget instance, separated by a dot. If, within a widget, a name is dynamic (i.e. can be configured via
feature configuration), the corresponding ax-widget-area-binding
attribute can be set to bind a name.
<div ax-widget-area="myArea"><!-- Here will be widgets --></div>
Example with binding:
<div ax-widget-area ax-widget-area-binding="features.content.areaName"> <!-- Here will be widgets --> </div>