

@param {Object} options

function Object() { [native code] }#context {LogContext}

The log context of this logger.

Logger#log( level, message, replacements )

Logs a message. A message may contain placeholders in the form [#] where # ressembles the index within the list of replacements. replacements are incrementally counted starting at 0. If the log level is below the configured log level the message simply is discarded.


  • level {Number}: the level for this message

  • message {String}: the message to log

  • replacements {...*}: objects that should replace placeholders within the message

Logger#addLogChannel( channel )

Adds a new channel to forward log messages to. A channel is called synchronously for every log message and is responsible to trigger something asynchronously itself if necessary. Each message is an object having the following properties:

  • id: a unique, incremented id of the log message
  • level: the log level of the message in string representation
  • text: the actual message that was logged
  • replacements: the raw list of replacements passed along the message
  • time: JavaScript Date instance when the message was logged
  • tags: A map of all log tags currently set on the logger's scope
  • sourceInfo: if supported, a map containing file, line and char where the logging took place


  • channel {Function}: the log channel to add

Logger#removeLogChannel( channel )

Removes a log channel and thus stops sending further messages to it.


  • channel {Function}: the log channel to remove

Logger#setLogThreshold( threshold )

Sets the threshold for log messages. Log messages with a lower level will be discarded upon logging.


  • threshold {String|Number}: the numeric or the string value of the log level to use as threshold