
Getting Started

This is a very minimal getting started guide. It helps you to set up your first LaxarJS application and to create your first LaxarJS widget.

Get the Prerequisites

npm install -g grunt-cli grunt-init
git clone ~/.grunt-init/laxar-application
git clone ~/.grunt-init/laxar-widget
git clone ~/.grunt-init/laxar-activity

Create a LaxarJS Application from Our Template

mkdir tryout
cd tryout
grunt-init laxar-application
npm install
npm start

Visit your empty application at http://localhost:8000/debug.html Press Ctrl-c to stop the server for now.

Create your first LaxarJS widget

Create a widget which just displays Hello, world!

mkdir -p includes/widgets/tryout/my_first_widget
cd includes/widgets/tryout/my_first_widget
grunt-init laxar-widget
add some widget-HTML:
echo '<h1>Hello, world!</h1>' > default.theme/my_first_widget.html

Reference the widget from your page:

cd -
echo '{
   "layout": "one_column",
   "areas": {
      "activities": [ ],
      "header": [ ],
      "content": [
             "widget": "tryout/my_first_widget"
      "footer": [ ]
' > application/pages/page1.json
npm start

See your widget in action at http://localhost:8000/debug.html

Create a Compressed Release-Ready Version of Your Application

First, stop the development server using Ctrl-c.

grunt dist
npm start

Now your compressed application can be visited at http://localhost:8000/ or deployed from the zip file that was just generated for you.

Next Steps

Have fun developing your first LaxarJS application.

Make sure to have a look at the API doc and stay tuned for the upcoming getting started guide.