
A module for parsing strings to different value types.


Module Members

Module Members

success( value )

Creates a successful parsing result. This is useful e.g. when writing tests.

Property Type Description
value * the parsing result
Type Description
Object the parsing result object of form { ok: true, value: value }


Creates a failed parsing result. This is useful e.g. when writing tests.

Type Description
Object the parsing result object of form { ok: false }

create( type, optionalOptions )

Creates a function for parsing strings to a value of the given type. The function only accepts the string to parse as argument and returns an object yielding success or failure. The outcome can be read from the object's attribute ok which is true in case parsing was successful, or false otherwise. Additionally, when the string was parsed successfully as the a value of the given type, the parsed value can be found under the attribute value.

Note that results for types date and time are not returned as JavaScript type Date or wrapped otherwise, but as simple ISO 8601 strings. Thus a possible date would be '2014-03-12' and a time value '16:34:52'.

The parser for type 'string' will always return a successful result with the given input as the result's value.


Successful parsing:

const parse = parser.create( 'decimal' );
parse( '1,435.56' ); // -> { ok: true, value: 1435.56 }

Failed parsing:

const parse = parser.create( 'date' );
parse( 'laxar' ); // -> { ok: false }
Property Type Description
type String the value type to create the parser for. Can be one of 'string', 'integer', 'decimal', 'date' and 'time'
optionalOptions Object different options depending on the selected type
optionalOptions.groupingSeparator String the character used for thousands separation. Applicable to types decimal and integer only. Default: ','
optionalOptions.decimalSeparator String the character used for fraction part separation. Applicable to type decimal only. Default: '.'
optionalOptions.dateFormat String the expected format for dates to parse. If the input doesn't match this format, the optionalOptions.dateFallbackFormats are tried. Applicable to type date only. Default: 'M/D/YYYY'
optionalOptions.dateFallbackFormats String formats to try, when parsing with the optionalOptions.dateFormat failed. Applicable to type date only. Default: [ 'M/D/YY' ]
optionalOptions.dateTwoDigitYearWrap Number the value to decide when parsing a two digit year, if the resulting year starts with 19 or with 20. Any value below or equal to this number results in a year of the form 20xx, whereas any value above results in a year of the form 19xx. Applicable to type date only. Default: 68
optionalOptions.timeFormat String the expected format for times to parse. If the input doesn't match this format, the optionalOptions.timeFallbackFormats are tried. Applicable to type time only. Default: 'H:m'
optionalOptions.timeFallbackFormats String formats to try, when parsing with the optionalOptions.timeFormat failed. Applicable to type time only. Default: [ 'H', 'HHmm' ]
Type Description
Function the parsing function as described above