laxar-tooling Build Status

A tool support library to inspect LaxarJS applications

This library serves as a central point to codify build-time knowledge of LaxarJS applications. Use it to add LaxarJS support to your build tool.

Currently laxar-tooling serves four main purposes:

  • artifactCollector: collect a list of artifacts (pages, layouts, themes, widgets, controls) plus meta-information starting from the application's flow(s)

  • resourceCollector: from this list, build a resource map compatible with LaxarJS' fileResourceProvider

  • dependencyCollector: generate a list of application dependencies (widgets, controls) and their respective integration technologies from the artifacts list

  • stylesheetCollector: collect stylesheets listed by the artifacts list and corresponding to the themes in use


First, make sure you are running NodeJS v4.0 or newer. After that, just install laxar-tooling:

$ node -v
$ npm install --save laxar-tooling


Refer to the API documentation and/or real-world usage in laxar-loader and grunt-laxar (v2.0 and newer).