
Determine application artifacts by inspecting flow, pages and widgets.


Module Members


Module Members

- unknown - undefined

create( options )

Create an artifact collector instance.


const collector = laxarTooling.artifactCollector.create( {
   paths: { widgets: 'custom/widgets/path' },
   resolve: ref => path.relative( base, path.resolve( ref ) ),
   readJson: filename => new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
      fs.readFile( filename, ( err, contents ) => {
         try {
            err ? reject( err ) : resolve( JSON.parse( contents ) );
         catch( err ) {
            reject( err );
      } );
   } )
} );
Property Type Description
options Object additional options
options.paths Object configuration where to look for flows, pages, etc.
options.resolve Function a function resolving a given file path to something that can be read by the readJson function and either returning it as a String or asynchronously
options.readJson Function a function accepting a file path as an argument and returning a promise that resolves to the parsed JSON contents of the file as a Promise
options.fileContents Object an object mapping file paths (as returned by options.resolve) to promises that resolve to the parsed JSON contents of the file (used if readJson is omitted)
Type Description
ArtifactCollector the created artifact collector

collectArtifacts( entries )

Obtain artifact information asynchronously, starting from a set of flow definitions.


collector.collectArtifacts( [ { flows: [ "flow" ], themes: [ "my", "default"  ] } ] )
   .then( artifacts => {
      assert( Array.isArray( artifacts.flows ) );
      assert( Array.isArray( artifacts.themes ) );
      assert( Array.isArray( artifacts.pages ) );
      assert( Array.isArray( artifacts.layouts ) );
      assert( Array.isArray( artifacts.widgets ) );
      assert( Array.isArray( artifacts.controls ) );
   } );
// => {
//       flows: [ ... ],
//       themes: [ ... ],
//       pages: [ ... ],
//       layouts: [ ... ],
//       widgets: [ ... ],
//       contros: [ ... ]
//    }
Property Type Description
entries Array.<Object> a list of entries containing themes and flows to follow to find all the pages reachable from the flow and their required artifacts
Type Description
Promise.<Object> the artifact listing with the keys flows, themes, pages, layouts, widgets and controls, of which each is an array of artifact objects

collectSchemas( entries )

Asynchronously collect all schemas corresponding to the given paths.


collector.collectSchemas( [ { schemas: [ 'schema' ] } ] )
   .then( schemas => {
      assert( Array.isArray( schemas ) );
   } );
// => [ {
//       refs: [ 'schema' ],
//       name: 'schema',
//       path: 'path/to/schema.json',
//       pages: [ ... ]
//    } ]
Property Type Description
entries Array a list of entry objects containing a schemas key
Type Description
Promise.<Array> a promise for an array of schema-meta objects

collectFlows( entries )

Asynchronously collect all flows corresponding to the given refs.


collector.collectFlows( [ { flows: [ 'flow' ] } ] )
   .then( flows => {
      assert( Array.isArray( flows ) );
   } );
// => [ {
//       refs: [ 'flow' ],
//       name: 'flow',
//       path: 'path/to/flow.json',
//       pages: [ ... ]
//    } ]
Property Type Description
entries Array a list of entry objects containing a flows key
Type Description
Promise.<Array> a promise for an array of flow-meta objects

collectThemes( entries )

Collect meta information on the given themes.


collector.collectThemes( [ { themes: [ 'my.theme', 'default.theme' ] } ] )
   .then( themes => {
      assert( Array.isArray( themes ) );
   } );
// => [ {
//       refs: [ 'my.theme' ],
//       name: 'my.theme',
//       path: 'path/to/my.theme'
//    }, {
//       refs: [ 'default.theme' ],
//       name: 'default.theme',
//       path: 'path/to/laxar-uikit/themes/default.theme'
//    } ]
Property Type Description
entries Array.<Object> a list of entries with themes to include in the artifacts
Type Description
Promise.<Array> a promise for an array of meta-information about all themes

collectPages( flows )

Asynchronously collect all pages that are reachable from the given list of flows.


collector.collectPages( flows )
   .then( pages => {
      assert( Array.isArray( pages ) );
   } );
// => [ {
//       refs: [ 'page' ],
//       name: 'page',
//       path: 'path/to/page.json',
//       pages: [ ... ],
//       layouts: [ ... ],
//       widgets: [ ... ]
//    }, ... ]
Property Type Description
flows Array.<String> a list of flow artifacts as returned by ArtifactCollector#collectFlows
Type Description
Promise.<Array> a promise for a combined array of page meta information for these flows

collectLayouts( pages )

Finds layouts based on them being referenced in page areas.


collector.collectLayouts( pages )
   .then( layouts => {
      assert( Array.isArray( layouts ) );
   } );
// => [ {
//       refs: [ 'layout' ],
//       name: 'layout',
//       path: 'path/to/layout'
//    }, ... ]
Property Type Description
pages Array a list of page artifacts as returned by ArtifactCollector#collectPages
Type Description
Promise.<Array> a promise for an array of meta-information about all layouts

collectWidgets( pages )

Collect meta information on all widget that are referenced from the given pages.


collector.collectWidgets( pages )
   .then( widgets => {
      assert( Array.isArray( widgets ) );
   } );
// => [ {
//       refs: [ 'widget' ],
//       name: 'widget',
//       path: 'path/to/widget',
//       controls: [ ... ]
//    }, ... ]
Property Type Description
pages Array a list of page artifacts as returned by ArtifactCollector#collectPages
Type Description
Promise.<Array> a promise for an array of meta-information about all reachable widgets

collectControls( widgets )

Collect meta information on all controls that are referenced by the given widgets.


collector.collectControls( widgets, themes )
   .then( controls => {
      assert( Array.isArray( controls ) );
   } );
// => [ {
//       refs: [ 'control' ],
//       name: 'control',
//       path: 'path/to/control',
//       controls: [ ... ]
//    }, ... ]
Property Type Description
widgets Array a list of widget artifacts as returned by ArtifactCollector#collectWidgets
Type Description
Promise.<Array> a promise for an array of meta-information about all reachable controls

