
This module provides helpers for patterns regarding didChangeLocale events.


Module Members


Module Members

handlerFor( context, i18n, optionalI18nPath )

Obtain a handler which applies didChangeLocale-events to the given context.

Property Type Description
context AxContext the widget context to work on
i18n Object a laxarjs i18n service instance
optionalI18nPath String an optional path within the context (default: 'i18n') where to store i18n-state
Type Description
I18nHandler a handler which manages the i18n-object on the context, and which allows to register for locale changes, by topic or by feature



I18nHandler.registerLocale( possibleLocales, optionalOptions )

Manages changes to the given locale(s).

Property Type Description
possibleLocales String, Array.<String> zero, one or more locale topics to manage
optionalOptions Object an optional configuration object
optionalOptions.onChange Function, Array.<Function> a function or a list of functions to call whenever one of the locales changes. It receives the event which triggered the change as the first argument, and the previous language-tag as the second argument
Type Description
Object this instance for chaining

I18nHandler.registerLocaleFromFeature( featurePath, optionalOptions )

Looks for the given feature path within the feature configuration and registers for changes to the corresponding locale. If there is a key locale at the given feature, that entry is used. Otherwise, the entire configuration path has to be specified.

Property Type Description
featurePath String a feature path for the current context
optionalOptions Object an optional configuration object
Type Description
Object this instance for chaining