
This module provides helpers for patterns regarding didEncounterError events.


Module Members

Module Members

errorPublisherForFeature( context, featurePath, options )

Creates and returns a function to publish didEncounterError events related to a specific feature. Generated events will not be delivered to the sender.

The returned publisher function takes these arguments:

  • code (String): a generic code that identifies the failing operation (such as 'HTTP_PUT', 'HTTP_GET' ...)

  • messagePath (String): path to the message (or i18n message object) located under context.features.${featurePath} to send along with the error event

  • data (any): additional information to be used for substituting in the message. It should contain the fields resource and location if applicable.

  • cause (any): more diagnostic information on the error's cause, such as the underlying HTTP status code


Possible feature configuration:

   "features": {
      "myFeatures": {
         "failureMessage": "Something really bad happened!"

Creating and using a publisher:

const publisher = errors.errorPublisherForFeature( context, 'myFeature' );
// ...
publisher( 'HTTP_GET', 'failureMessage', {
   resource: 'user',
   moreInfo: 'Probably under DoS attack'
} );
Property Type Description
context AxContext the widget context to work on
featurePath String the configuration path for (i18n) error-messages to publish
options Object an optional object with additional configuration
options.localizer Function a function such as i18nHandler.localize to prepare messages
Type Description
Function a publisher function with four arguments as described above