
Utilities for dealing with strings.

It can be imported as string from 'laxar';


Module Members

Module Members


A map of all available default format specifiers to their respective formatter function. The following specifiers are available:

  • %d / %i: Format the given numeric value as integer. Decimal places are removed
  • %f: Format the given numeric value as floating point value. This specifier supports precision as sub-specifier (e.g. %.2f for 2 decimal places)

  • %s: use simple string serialization using toString

  • %o: Format complex objects using JSON.stringify

format( string, optionalIndexedReplacements, optionalNamedReplacements )

Substitutes all unescaped placeholders in the given string for a given indexed or named value. A placeholder is written as a pair of brackets around the key of the placeholder. An example of an indexed placeholder is [0] and a named placeholder would look like this [replaceMe]. If no replacement for a key exists, the placeholder will simply not be substituted.

Some examples:

import { string } from 'laxar';
string.format( 'Hello [0], how do you like [1]?', [ 'Peter', 'Cheeseburgers' ] );
// => 'Hello Peter, how do you like Cheeseburgers?'

string.format( 'Hello [name] and [partner], how do you like [0]?', [ 'Pizza' ], {
   name: 'Hans',
   partner: 'Roswita'
} );
// => 'Hello Hans and Roswita, how do you like Pizza?'

If a pair of brackets should not be treated as a placeholder, the opening bracket must be escaped by backslashes. To get an actual backslash in a JavaScript string literal, which is then treated as an escape symbol, it needs to be written as double backslash:

import { string } from 'laxar';
string.format( 'A [something] should eventually only have \\[x].', {
   something: 'checklist'
} );
// => 'A checklist should eventually only have [x].'

A placeholder key can be any character string besides [, ] and : to keep parsing simple and fast. By using : as separator it is possible to provide a type specifier for string serialization or to add a custom mapping function. Type specifiers always begin with % and end with the specifier type. Builtin specifiers and their corresponding formatter functions are defined as DEFAULT_FORMATTERS.

When no specifier is provided, by default %s is assumed.


import { string } from 'laxar';
string.format( 'Hello [0:%s], you owe me [1:%.2f] euros.', [ 'Peter', 12.1243 ] );
// => 'Hello Peter, you owe me 12.12 euros.'

Mapping function names should be composed from alphanumeric characters, like regular JavaScript identifiers. They can be registered using #createFormatter():

import { string } from 'laxar';
const format = string.createFormatter( null, {
   double: x => 2*x,
   flip: s => s.split( '' ).reverse().join( '' )
} );
format( 'Hello [0:%s:flip], you owe me [1:double:%.2f] euros.', [ 'Peter', 12 ] );
// => 'Hello reteP, you owe me 24.00 euros.'

Currently there are no builtin mapping functions.

If a type specifier is used that does not exist, an exception is thrown. In contrast to that the use of an unknown mapping function results in a no-op. This allows to use filter-like functions that transform marked values within a specific context (for example, performing anonymization during analytics logging), without modifying the value in other contexts (local debug loggign).

Property Type Description
string String the string to replace placeholders in
optionalIndexedReplacements Array an optional array of indexed replacements
optionalNamedReplacements Object an optional map of named replacements
Type Description
String the string with placeholders substituted for their according replacements

createFormatter( typeFormatters, optionalValueMappers )

Creates a new format function having the same api as #format(). If the first argument is omitted or null, the default formatters for type specifiers are used. Otherwise only the provided map of specifiers is available to the returned format function. Each key of the map is a specifier character where the % is omitted and the value is the formatting function. A formatting function receives the value to format (i.e. serialize) and the sub-specifier (if any) as arguments. For example for the format specifier %.2f the sub-specifier would be .2 where for %s it would simply be the empty string.


const format = string.createFormatter( {
   'm': function( value ) {
      return value.amount + ' ' + value.currency;
   'p': function( value, subSpecifier ) {
      return Math.pow( value, parseInt( subSpecifier, 10 ) );
} );

format( 'You owe me [0:%m].', [ { amount: 12, currency: 'EUR' } ] );
// => 'You owe me 12 EUR.'

format( '[0]^3 = [0:%3p]', [ 2 ] );
// => '2^3 = 8'

The second argument is completely additional to the behavior of the default #format() function. Here a map from mapping function id to actual mapping function can be passed in. Whenever the id of a mapping function is found within the placeholder, that mapping function is called with the current value and its return value is either passed to the next mapping function or rendered instead of the placeholder if there are no more mapping function ids or type specifiers within the placeholder string.

const format = string.createFormatter( null, {
   flip: function( value ) {
      return ( '' + s ).split( '' ).reverse().join( '' );
   double: function( value ) {
      return value * 2;
} );

format( 'Hello [0:%s:flip], you owe me [1:double:%.2f] euros.', [ 'Peter', 12 ] );
// => 'Hello reteP, you owe me 24.00 euros.'
Property Type Description
typeFormatters Object map from format specifier (single letter without leading %) to formatting function
optionalValueMappers Object map from mapping identifier to mapping function
Type Description
Function a function having the same api as #format()