
Allows instantiate a mock implementations of AxAssets, compatible to the "axAssets" injection.


Module Members


Module Members

create( artifactAssets={}, artifactName='mock-widget' )

Creates a mock for the "axAssets" injection of a widget.

Usually the mock is created from a complete, generated assets entry, as described for the AxAssets service.

const artifactAssets = {
   'myMessages.json': { content: '{"yo":42}' },
   'default.theme': {
       'some.png': { url: '/path/to/some.png' }

Assets are usually retrieved by the widget under test through the axAssets injection, or programmatically like this:

import { createAxAssetsMock } from 'laxar/laxar-widget-service-mocks';
const axAssetsMock = createAxAssetsMock( artifactAssets, 'other.theme' );
console.log( JSON.parse( axAssetsMock( 'myMessages.json' ) ) );  // output: { yo: 42 }
console.log( assetsMock.urlForTheme( 'some.png' ) );  // output: "/path/to/some.png"

From the test, the mock may be inspected using jasmine:

import { createAxAssetsMock } from 'laxar/laxar-widget-service-mocks';
const axAssetsMock = createAxAssetsMock( artifactAssets );
// ...
expect( axAssetsMock ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'myMessages.json' );
expect( axAssetsMock.url ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '/some/url' );

The specified assets/themedAssets may be replaced afterwards using the .mock... methods. Instead of a complete entry, a user-defined entry containing just assets and/or themedAssets may be used instead. Also, instead of the "default.theme", a custom theme may be passed. In this case, make sure that the mock entry passed to create reflects this. Or use the mock

import { createAxAssetsMock } from 'laxar/laxar-widget-service-mocks';
const axAssetsMock = createAxAssetsMock( artifactAssets, 'other.theme' );
console.log( assetsMock.urlForTheme( 'some.png' ) );  // output: null
axAssetsMock.mock( 'myMessages.json', '{"yo": 7}' );
axAssetsMock.mockUrlForTheme( 'some.png', "/path/to/some/other.png" );
console.log( JSON.parse( axAssetsMock( 'myMessages.json' ) ) );  // output: { yo: 7 }
console.log( assetsMock.urlForTheme( 'some.png' ) );  // output: "/path/to/some/other.png"
Property Type Description
artifactAssets={} Object the assets entry to base the mock on
theme='default.theme' String the theme name to use. For portability, keeping the default is recommended.
artifactName='mock-widget' String the artifact name, only relevant for error messages
Type Description
AxAssetsMock a mock of axAssets that can be spied and/or mocked with additional assets



extends AxAssets

An AxAssets-compatible mock.

See #create for usage details.

AxAssetsMock.mock( path, content )

Mock a regular asset.

Property Type Description
path String the asset path to mock
content String the asset contents that the mock should provide. Omit to discard the asset content.

AxAssetsMock.mockUrl( path, url )

Mock a regular asset URL.

Property Type Description
path String the asset path to mock
url String the asset URL to provide. Omit to discard the asset URL.

AxAssetsMock.mockForTheme( path, content )

Mock an asset for the current theme.

Property Type Description
path String the theme-dependent asset path to mock
content String the asset content to provide. Omit to discard the asset content.

AxAssetsMock.mockUrlForTheme( path, url )

Mock an asset URL for the current theme.

Property Type Description
path String the theme-dependent asset path to mock
url String the asset URL to provide. Omit to discard the asset URL.