
Module providing the Logger factory.

To use the Log service in a widget, request the axLog injection.


Module Members


Module Members

levels Object

Log levels that are available by default, sorted by increasing severity:

  • TRACE (level 100)
  • DEBUG (level 200)
  • INFO (level 300)
  • WARN (level 400)
  • ERROR (level 500)
  • FATAL (level 600)


Pass this as an additional replacement parameter to a log-method, in order to blackbox your logging call. Blackboxed callers are ignored when logging the source information (file, line).



Logger.log( level, message, replacements )

Logs a message. A message may contain placeholders in the form [#] where # resembles the index within the list of replacements. replacements are incrementally counted starting at 0. If the log level is below the configured log threshold, the message is simply discarded.

It is recommended not to use this method directly, but instead one of the short cut methods for the according log level.

Property Type Description
level Number the level for this message
message String the message to log
replacements... * objects that should replace placeholders within the message

Logger.trace( message, replacements )

Logs a message in log level TRACE. See Logger#log for further information.

Important note: This method is only available, if no custom log levels were defined via configuration or custom log levels include this method as well.

Property Type Description
message String the message to log
replacements... * objects that should replace placeholders within the message

Logger.debug( message, replacements )

Logs a message in log level DEBUG. See Logger#log for further information.

Important note: This method is only available, if no custom log levels were defined via configuration or custom log levels include this method as well.

Property Type Description
message String the message to log
replacements... * objects that should replace placeholders within the message

Logger.info( message, replacements )

Logs a message in log level INFO. See Logger#log for further information.

Important note: This method is only available, if no custom log levels were defined via configuration or custom log levels include this method as well.

Property Type Description
message String the message to log
replacements... * objects that should replace placeholders within the message

Logger.warn( message, replacements )

Logs a message in log level WARN. See Logger#log for further information.

Important note: This method is only available, if no custom log levels were defined via configuration or custom log levels include this method as well.

Property Type Description
message String the message to log
replacements... * objects that should replace placeholders within the message

Logger.error( message, replacements )

Logs a message in log level ERROR. See Logger#log for further information.

Important note: This method is only available, if no custom log levels were defined via configuration or custom log levels include this method as well.

Property Type Description
message String the message to log
replacements... * objects that should replace placeholders within the message

Logger.fatal( message, replacements )

Logs a message in log level FATAL. See Logger#log for further information.

Important note: This method is only available, if no custom log levels were defined via configuration or custom log levels include this method as well.

Property Type Description
message String the message to log
replacements... * objects that should replace placeholders within the message

Logger.addLogChannel( channel )

Adds a new channel to forward log messages to. A channel is called synchronously for every log message and can do whatever necessary to handle the message according to its task. Note that blocking or performance critical actions within a channel should always take place asynchronously to prevent from blocking the application. Ideally a web worker is used for heavier background tasks.

Each message is an object having the following properties:

  • id: the unique, ascending id of the log message
  • level: the log level of the message in string representation
  • text: the actual message that was logged
  • replacements: the raw list of replacements passed along the message
  • time: JavaScript Date instance when the message was logged
  • tags: A map of all log tags currently set for the logger
  • sourceInfo: if supported, a map containing file, line and char where the logging took place
Property Type Description
channel Function the log channel to add

Logger.removeLogChannel( channel )

Removes a log channel and thus stops sending further messages to it.

Property Type Description
channel Function the log channel to remove

Logger.addTag( tag, value )

Adds a value for a log tag. If a tag is already known, the value is appended to the existing one using a ; as separator. Note that no formatting of the value takes place and a non-string value will just have its appropriate toString method called.

Log tags can be used to mark a set of log messages with a value giving further information on the current logging context. For example laxar sets a tag 'INST' with a unique-like identifier for the current browser client. If then for example log messages are persisted on a server, messages belonging to the same client can be accumulated.

Property Type Description
tag String the id of the tag to add a value for
value String the value to add

Logger.setTag( tag, value )

Sets a value for a log tag. If a tag is already known, the value is overwritten by the given one. Note that no formatting of the value takes place and a non-string value will just have its appropriate toString method called. For further information on log tags, see Logger#addTag.

Property Type Description
tag String the id of the tag to set a value for
value String the value to set

Logger.removeTag( tag )

Removes a log tag. For further information on log tags, see Logger#addTag.

Property Type Description
tag String the id of the tag to set a value for


Returns a map of all tags. If there are multiple values for the same tag, their values are concatenated using a ; as separator. For further information on log tags, see Logger#addTag.

Type Description
Object a mapping from tag to its value(s)

Logger.setLogThreshold( threshold )

Sets the threshold for log messages. Log messages with a lower level will be discarded upon logging.

Property Type Description
threshold String, Number the numeric or the string value of the log level to use as threshold