
Module providing the Heartbeat factory.

To use the Heartbeat service in a widget, request the axHeartbeat injection.





Scheduler for tasks that possibly synchronously trigger creation of new tasks, that need some common work to be done before or after all of these tasks (and all tasks scheduled in the meantime) are finished.

An example would be model-manipulating operations in an application using AngularJS, that need to run $rootScope.$apply after all operations are done, but only once.

Heartbeat.registerHeartbeatListener( listener )

Registers a listener, that is called whenever a heartbeat occurs. It is called after the before and next queues were processed, but before working off the after queue has started. In contrast to the on* methods, listeners are not removed after a tick, but will be called again each time a heartbeat occurs. Instead this method returns a function to manually remove the listener again.

Property Type Description
listener Function the listener to register
Type Description
Function a function to remove the listener again

Heartbeat.onNext( func )

Schedules a function for the next heartbeat. If no heartbeat was triggered yet, it will be requested now.

Property Type Description
func Function a function to schedule for the next tick

Heartbeat.onBeforeNext( func )

Schedules a function to be called before the next heartbeat occurs. Note that func may never be called, if there is no next heartbeat since calling this function won't trigger a new heartbeat.

Property Type Description
func Function a function to call before the next heartbeat

Heartbeat.onAfterNext( func )

Schedules a function to be called after the next heartbeat occured. Note that func may never be called, if there is no next heartbeat since calling this function won't trigger a new heartbeat.

Property Type Description
func Function a function to call after the next heartbeat