
Module providing the Configuration factory.

To use the Configuration in a widget, request the axConfiguration injection. In compatibility mode with LaxarJS v1.x, it is also available under laxar.configuration.





Provides access to the configuration that was passed during application bootstrapping.

A Configuration instance provides convenient readonly access to the underlying LaxarJS application bootstrapping configuration. The configuration values are passed to laxar#create() on startup (before LaxarJS v2.x, these configuration values were read from window.laxar). When using the LaxarJS application template, the configuration values are set in the file init.js under your project's root directory.

Configuration.get( key, optionalDefault )

Returns the configured value for the specified attribute path or undefined in case it wasn't configured. If a default value was passed as second argument this is returned instead of undefined.

Services should use this to get configuration values for which there are universal fallback behaviors.


// ... inject `axConfiguration` as `config` ...
config.get( 'logging.threshold' ); // -> 'INFO'
config.get( 'iDontExist' ); // -> undefined
config.get( 'iDontExist', 42 ); // -> 42
Property Type Description
key String a path (using . as separator) to the property in the configuration object
optionalDefault * the value to return if no value was set for key
Type Description
* either the configured value, undefined or optionalDefault

Configuration.ensure( key )

Retrieves a configuration value by key, failing if it is undefined or null.

Services should use this to get configuration values for which no universal default or fallback exists.


// ... inject `axConfiguration` as `config` ...
config.ensure( 'logging.threshold' ); // -> 'INFO'
config.ensure( 'iDontExist' ); // -> throws
Property Type Description
key String a path (using . as separator) to the property in the configuration object
Type Description
* the configured value (if undefined or null, an exception is thrown instead)