The laxar-develop Task

Generates dependencies and resource listings required by the LaxarJS runtime, and starts a development server with live reloading.

This task is an end-user task of grunt-laxar and thus considered part of the public API.

This task simply runs laxar-configure, followed by laxar-build. Finally the third-party tasks connect and watch are run in order to launch a development server with live-reload capabilities.

Because the watch task is configured by laxar-build, only files that are relevant to the application are watched for modification, making this process relatively CPU- and battery-friendly. To avoid watching for modifications entirely, you can use the laxar-develop-no-watch variant of this task.

For a production build, additional artifacts must be generated, by using laxar-dist.


Run this task with the grunt laxar-develop command.

This task has no further options.