The laxar-dist-css Task

For a given flow target, uses clean-css (via cssmin) in order to create a single, optimized CSS file for each theme.

The generated CSS stylesheet is stored under {dest}/{target}/dist/{theme}.css. Here, dest refers to the configured destination directory (usually var/flows), target corresponds to the flow target that was specified when running the task, and theme is the full name of an application theme, or default.theme. Each theme is accompanied by a source map located at {dest}/{target}/dist/{theme}


Note: This task is an internal building block used by the grunt-laxar main tasks, and not considered a part of the stable API.

Run this task with the grunt laxar-configure laxar-dist-css:{target} command.

The possible targets are determined by the configuration which is generated by the laxar-configure task. If used without laxar-configure, the task targets, files and options may be specified manually according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.