
Last Changes


  • #101: documentation: fixed broken link


  • #93: widgets: add jasmine2 to requires.js generator


  • #91: widgets: update infrastructure for isolated testing to better handle older LaxarJS versions + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details


  • #90: laxar-dist-js: allow to override baseUrl from laxar application config + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details


  • #86: laxar-artifacts: fixed watchers for layout HTML files
  • #89: laxar-artifacts: fixed CSS paths for control styles bundled in themes
  • #88: tests: improved testing of AMD-reference handling
  • #87: fixinstall: fixed fixinstall (for use with npm v3.x)


  • #85: laxar-info: allow to address artifacts by path + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details


  • #84: laxar-info: print indirect references


  • #78: laxar-configure-watch: ignore bower_components by default + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details

  • #77: laxar-artifacts: do not try to list (global) theme paths

  • #82: fixed handling of missing includes/themes


  • #83: fixed local references in laxar-info
  • #80: require_config_merger: improved log message
  • #81: fixed paths on windows
  • #79: integration: implemented using widgets installed via bower as amd module + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details


  • #76: laxar-build, laxar-dist, laxar-test: run each user-task flow-target only once
  • #73: laxar-artifacts: fixed artifact model inconsistencies
  • #72: new task: laxar-info + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details

  • #74: added task laxar-merge-require-config + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details

  • #70: per-artifact resources now extend (rather than replace) defaults

  • #68: documentation: added docs for laxar-artifacts
  • #69: documentation: fixed directory_tree docs
  • #71: widgets: fixed lookup of jshintrc


  • #67: project: use latest karma-laxar
  • #66: jshint: always use project settings + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details


  • #65: laxar-resources: normalized task result + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details

  • #64: added Travis-CI build integration + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details

  • #63: added regression tests for the new flow-based tasks + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details


  • #41: added new flow-based tasks + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details


  • #62: karma-laxar: upgraded to latest 1.1.0 alpha
  • #61: widgets: fixed support for widgets using dist-package references



  • #60: css_merger: fixed default.theme lookup


  • #59: css_merger: fixed loading of nested layout CSS


  • #57: page_loader: laxar is now used as node module


  • #56: widgets: added support for new-style controls and modules
  • #52: tests: made all grunt-laxar tests pass on Windows
  • #37: css_merger: fixed paths and URLs for Windows


  • #55: css_merger: added support for new-style controls (with descriptor)
  • #53: laxar_application_dependencies: remove laxar submodule; use npm instead
  • #51: laxar_application_dependencies: fixed laxar path for require config
  • #50: laxar_application_dependencies: added lookup of control.json for actual control name


  • #49: laxar_application_dependencies: fixed dependencies
  • #48: documentation: updated to newest laxar dox version


  • #47: laxar_application_dependencies: turned internal laxar dependency into git submodule
  • #46: documentation: refactored laxar_dox task and added public documentation task


  • #43: css_merger: load CSS from themes + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details


  • #44: laxar_application_dependencies: use laxar-application package to allow for using relative AMD-paths from widgets, even with plugins + BREAKING CHANGE: see ticket for details

  • #42: laxar_application_dependencies: cleaned up some fallout of (#29)


  • #39: widget: updated karma-laxar to automatically load es5-shim + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details

  • #29: portal_angular_dependencies: renamed to laxar_application_dependencies + BREAKING CHANGE: see ticket for details

  • #25: Removed the now obsolete widget_json_merger task. + BREAKING CHANGE: see ticket for details


  • #40: portal_angular_dependencies, css_merger: refactored portal artifacts to runtime and loaders. + BREAKING CHANGE: see ticket for details

  • #31: portal_angular_dependencies: fixed handling of missing integration field

  • #28: widgets: added support for more integration technologies. + BREAKING CHANGE: see ticket for details


  • #38: css_merger: find custom theme folders within widgets
  • #6: css_merger: fixed imports by URL
  • #36: css_merger: fix incorrect CSS output path and url()s for windows
  • #35: widget dependencies: fixed URL generation for windows


  • #32: widget dependencies: fixed URL generation for windows
  • #34: widgets: fixed package configuration
  • #33: widget: jshint should ignore embedded projects


  • #30: directory_tree: better JSON syntax error reporting
  • #27: widgets: removed marked configuration
  • #26: widgets: add jquery_ui require path
  • #24: css_merger: fixed handling of protocol-relative URLs
  • #23: the plugin provides a new Option --continue to keep running tasks after failures but keep a proper return code.
  • #22: Added path to bootstrap affix control.
  • #21: the Gruntfile provided for widget tests now create coverage reports.


  • #19: we're now using our own Karma and grunt-karma forks so that we can respond to issues more quickly.
  • #18: there is a new script bin/fixinstall to fix the PhantomJS installation if it's broken.
  • #17: there are two new tasks to merge test-results.xml and files. + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details

  • #16: the karma-task is now configured to easily create coverage reports.

  • #15: the require_config.js, that is generated for widgets, now contains static configuration for Marked.
  • #13: the require_config.js, that is generated for widgets, now contains the proper configuration for JSON-patch.


  • #11: Improved readability of directory listing for connect task.
  • #10: Fixed processing of multiple non-default themes
  • #3: add some documentation
  • #8: widget tests: automatically generate a RequireJS configuration (instead of using a static one)
  • #7: css_merger: fixed theme processing for widgets and controls


  • #4: directory_tree: allowed to embed files into listings using option embedContents + NEW FEATURE: see ticket for details

  • #5: css_merger: fixed default.theme handling (laxar_uikit) and absolute css urls

  • #2: Finally, added a lot of tests
  • #1: Made lookup of Grunt tasks more resilient